地方文化營銷 2.0: 文化特區運動




    上網直播,就只能賣化妝、護膚、服飾與水晶嗎?等疫情過去,大家可以趴趴走,要玩直播,就不是每天坐對鏡頭,做Point of Purchase Sales talk,示範商品或展覽梗圖。 做地方創生,例如推銷農産或農業文遺,可直闖現場,還可以炫實際勞作體驗、實境遊覽。走走看看,說說笑笑,都是大自然真淳樸的景觀。這點,導遊比一般直播人更占優勢。(9.2.2021)








    《人民日報》評議《我和我的家鄉》: 真情描繪小康生活美好畫卷,熱情謳歌脫貧攻堅偉大成就,是思想性、藝術性俱佳的文藝精品,取得了口碑和票房雙贏,實現了社會效益和經濟效益雙豐收,成為又一部現象級電影作品。影片的成功為主旋律創作帶來諸多啟示: 一是愛國主義永遠是電影創作的主旋律,二是人民是電影創作永恆的原動力,三是在以小見大中不斷創新藝術表達,影片才能贏得觀眾的共鳴與共情。 (資料參考/引述《維基百科》)




















    綜合的目的是要能彼此呼應,互相拉動。所以各個單項產業與其它產業要能夠聯動,比如一個工業生產區,就必須跟物流密接,而物流又需跟交通密接。而生產區也需跟住宅密接,以提供人員的生活起居,生活區必然要跟交通,商業密接。同時生活區也會跟設計,餐飲密接。如何讓整個產業區內的各個分項區獨立而聯動,必須詳細的規劃。每個產業區的條件與主題概念不盡相同,所以關聯方式也會不同。 [1]















    最適合一個文化創意產業園區活動空間的城市環境應傾向於有一個半徑為 400米,建築平均5-8層,在10米范圍有非常少的街道(包括人行道)。文化創意產業園區應該有非常多功能的公共領地。它提供人們聚會交流的空間,也為園區內的交易提供場所,這樣一個區域將具有滲透性。成功的文化創意產業園區傾向於有幾個具有活躍、滲透性強、臨街地帶的街道,或至少有一些活動的結點,便於人們在其間很容易走動。



    類型: 國外的劃分

    從不同的角度,文化創意產業園有不同的劃分方法。Hans. Mommaas在分析荷蘭5個文化創意產業園時提出,文化創意產業園類型的區分有7個核心尺度可以參考:園區內活動的橫向組合及其協作和一體化水平;園區內文化功能的垂直組合—設計、生產、交換和消費活動具體的混合,以及與此相關的園區內融合水平;涉及到園區管理的不同參與者的園區組織框架;金融制度和相關的公私部門的參與種類;空間和文化節目開放或封閉的程度;園區具體的發展途徑;園區的位置.。Walter Santngata根據功能將文化創意產業園分為四種類型:產業型、機構型、博物館型、都市型 。

    1、產業型。這類型的文化創意產業園主要是以積極的外形、地方文化、藝術和工藝傳統為基礎而建立的。此類園區的獨特之處在於其「工作室效應」和「創意產品的差異 」。








    大學作為技術的發生器,可以不斷開發新的科技;同時它又是各類人才的聚集地,不但培養人才也吸引著各領域最優秀的人才;大學也是一個開放的社區,是一個提供多元文化的場所,大學往往成為創意的中心 。因此,依托大學發展文化創意產業園也就成為一種重要的途徑。如上海的楊浦區赤峰路建築設計一條街依托的就是中國著名高等學府同濟大學,上海長寧區天山路時尚產業園依托的是東華大學和上海市服裝研究所,正在建設中的中國人民大學文化產業園及TCL(廣州)文化產業基地都是以大學為區位依托的。


    文化創意產業園(Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster)







    隨著文化創意產業園(簡稱文創產業園)在西方城市的發展,相關的研究也越來越多。對文化創意產業園概念進行的探討有德瑞克·韋恩提出的文化園區概念,Hilary Anne Frost-Kumpf提出的文化區概念。在德瑞克·韋恩看來,文化園區指的是特定的地理區位,其特色是將一城市的文化與娛樂施以最集中的方式集中在該地理區位內,文化園區是文化生產與消費的結合,是多項使用功能 (工作、休閒、居住)的結合。 Hilary Anne Frost-Kumpf認為文化園區指的是一個在都市中具備完善組織、明確標示、供綜合使用的地區,它提供夜間活動且延長地區的使用時間,讓地區更具有吸引力;提供藝術活動與藝術組織所需的條件,給居民與游客相關的藝術活動;提供當地藝術家更多就業或居住的機會,讓藝術與社區發展更緊密結合。

    另外Nolapot PumhiranWansborough&Mageean均將文化創意產業園定義為一個空間有限和具有明顯地理區域,文化產業和設施高度集中的地方。這些集群由文化企業和一些自己經營或自由創作的創意個體組成。園區內特殊活動可包括兒童玩樂的場所、圖書館、開放和非正式的娛樂場地。在這些園區中鼓勵文化運用和一定程度的生產和消費的集中。

    (二) 國內關於文化創意產業園概念的界定

    在中國,與文化創意產業園相關的概念有藝術園區、創意產業園區、文化產業園區等。由於中國文化創意產業園出現較晚,對文化創意產業園的研究也顯滯後,主要有一些對文化產業集群的界定:祁述裕認為文化產業集群是指在地理位置上相對集中,由具有相關性的文化企業、金融機構等組成的群體;向勇、康小明認為文化產業集群就是在文化產業領域中(通常以傳媒產業為核心),大量聯系密切的文化產業企業以及相關支撐機構(包括研究機構)在空間上集聚,並將文化產業集群劃分為核心文化產業集群、外圍文化產業集群和相關支撐機構等 ;歐陽友權認為文化產業集群是指相互關聯的多個文化企業或機構共處一個文化區域,形成產業組合、互補與合作,以產生孵化效應和整體輻射力的文化企業群落。


    在這方面,John. Montgomery進行了有意義的探討。他通過對文獻的歸納,並以Temple酒吧, Sheffield文化園區,Hindley Stree,Manchester北部園區等為例,分析、總結出成功文化園區的特征主要體現活動、形式、意義三方面:


    10 ways to develop a cultural hub:

    1. Focus your offer around core venues, e.g. museums, galleries, performing arts venues

    2. Embrace partners of all sizes and don’t be afraid to reach out to divergent art forms

    3. Be driven by a clear, organic idea that your offer has to measure up against

    4. Be as diverse as possible, but communicate as a hub rather than as disparate entities with a shared logo

    5. Be a brand, or at least have a brand name and use it to underpin your offer

    6. Be altruistic: tell audiences what else they can do in the area, beyond the partners involved in your hub

    7. Produce print materials that incorporate a map and practical details

    8. Visually communicate a hub that is alive, and write copy with wit and personality

    9. Go digital and use social media; consider developing an app

    10. Reward loyalty to your hub and all its partners

    About Art Insights

    Museums and galleries face a challenging landscape. Social, political and economic factors are impacting how they innovate, engage with their visitors and share both knowledge and collections.
    With challenges come new possibilities. At Art Fund, we want to help inspire the way forward.

    We have commissioned research to explore the potential for museums and galleries to harness change, and reach new audiences. Offering key insights and suggesting actions you can take in your own organisation, our reports focus on a number of current sector trends.

    We hope these reports provide rigorous, practical advice, and we invite arts professionals to use
    them in shaping the future of their organisation and the sector as a whole.

    About Art Fund

    Art Fund is the national charity for art. We help UK museums and galleries to build and share collections, do more for their visitors and support the curators of the future.
    To keep up to date with our initiatives, funding schemes and news, subscribe to our monthly Museum Bulletin at artfund.org/bullet in artfund.org/supporting-museum

    About The Muse Strategy

    Based in Soho, London, Muse create marketing, brand and audience strategies. With clients in multiple sectors across the world, Muse have worked with some of the most commercially successful and creatively awarded brands of modern times. Culture sector clients span Art Fund to ZSL London, and include the British Museum, Imperial War Museum London and the V&A.


    (Source: Cultural hubs~How to create a multidimensional experience by Art Insights)

    Related:Regional hubs have great potential


    Cultural Hub: Define a distinctive brand

    Word of mouth is by far the most influential means of communicating about a cultural hub.

    Brand recognition is critical, so your hub needs a brand idea that clearly positions its offer, for example ‘The Knowledge Quarter’. To be credible, your hub has to genuinely live up to that brand idea. The idea should act as a checker to measure all programme and communications activity against.

    Speak with one voice Our research found that simply using consistent branding as badging, while each venue communicates on its own, doesn’t work. Cultural consumers want to find out about an experience in its entirety; just listing the components isn’t enough.

    Your hub will have a cohesive proposition; a single thought in which it is rooted. It needs to be communicated clearly and with one voice across all participating venues.


    Be authentic

    A hub needs to be legitimate, and its offer truthfully communicated. Communicate a sense of space In marketing materials, it’s helpful to give a sense of your hub’s lively atmosphere and to visualise people on site. A bit of wit goes a long way and further humanises the hub and its venues.

    When respondents were given some existing materials, they were critical of artists’ representations that make venues look very similar or unrealistically close to each other.

    All participating venues must communicate the existence of a hub, for example through flags or banners – but this should not be overbearing. Tourists find it helpful to see some indication that they are in a cultural quarter, but residents don’t need this for any practical purpose.

    The presence of these materials performs a branding and communication function only Empower your visitors with tools to navigate Cultural hubs need to be altruistic and flag up secondary attractions that will appeal to audiences, like architecture, food markets, refreshments and retail.


    Develop a dynamic digital presence

    All audiences now use social media to plan cultural outings. Social platforms allow your hub venues to talk as one, particularly if you don’t have a joint website, and allow you to deliver content and event messaging with immediacy.

    To navigate these, audiences expect joint print materials such as posters and leaflets – and maps are an essential inclusion to describe the footprint of the hub and allow route-planning.

    Your maps should be bespoke, and provide plenty of supporting detail such as scale, distance, ourney times between venues, and parking.Our research also showed that there is significant desire among consumers for a hub app that would detail programming, suggested itineraries and walks – similar to our Art Guide.

    Reward your visitors’ loyalty

    Your visitors are key to making a hub work. For it to become a genuine communal space, it needs to feel like one. Our research found that it’s important to reward your visitors for their participation.

    Respondents react very positively to the notion of a loyalty card that involves all hub venues. When a certain number of check[1]ins at venues is reached, rewards are released – and these rewards should go beyond a free coffee, which is seen as too mundane and something high street coffee shops already offer.

    (Source: Cultural hubs~How to create a multidimensional experience by Art Insights)


    Cultural hubs: How to create a multidimensional experience


    Visitors connect to a theme

    Theming of ideas and content across hubs has considerable appeal, but the theme needs to be watertight and substantial.

    A clear theme strengthens hubs’ ties both internally and externally, making the offer feel more cohesive.

    People engage differently depending on where they live.

    Our research found that behaviour is dependent on where people are
    culturally active.

    Principally, cultural consumers’ behaviour is determined by whether they live in or outside London.

    London is a hotbed for hubs

    Because of the proximity and concentration of cultural venues, hubs work well in London.

    Londoners use hubs to make the most of the capital’s abundance of cultural venues – whether these hubs are formally working together, or are being created by the consumer themselves.

    Visitors to London and tourists also use hubs to consume lots of cultural activities in a smaller visiting window, and to help them
    navigate the city’s culture.

    Regional hubs have great potential

    Overall, regionally there are significantly fewer areas with a concentration of cultural venues than in London – and even where there is a high density of museums and galleries, local consumers don’t tend to culture-stack.

    If there are exhibitions at two galleries nearby, they will tend to go to each on a different occasion rather than combine their visits, responding: 'I don’t need to do it all at once when it’s on my doorstep'

    However, hubs can still work well outside London as they can embed a sense of regional and civic pride. This feeling is very powerful, and you may want to think about how you could harness it in your vision.

    Your hub could become a beacon for the area; something residents want to champion. It could even encourage a reappraisal of the area. Promoting somewhere as a place of culture can lift previously entrenched barriers to visiting.

    Finally, since they increase awareness of all attractions within them, hubs can signpost and facilitate cultural days out – helping shift
    people’s preferences from simply visiting a museum or gallery to planning an itinerary for a cultural outing.


    All venues should be walkable
    For a cultural hub to work, it
    should be easy to ‘join the dots’.The acid test for any hub is if a visitor can explore it on foot. Journeying between different destinations needs to be economical, effortless and enjoyable.

    Anything beyond four cultural venues was dismissed by respondents as too big. If hubs become too unwieldy, either because of the number of venues involved or the large geographical area they cover, they become irrelevant to consumers.

    Hubs can champion smaller venues

    Cultural hubs encourage engagement with smaller, less well-known venues alongside well-established or even iconic organisations.

    But while a hub may have a lead venue, it could also consist of a group of less prominent organisations that form an exciting mix
    of cultural offerings.
    Cultural hubs aren’t solely defined by ‘landmarks’. Secondary attractions such as food and retail, architecture or street performers form an integral part of the offer.

    Moreover, visitors see hubs as fluid in their composition and expect them to be multifaceted. The energy of a hub, its sensorial elements such as music, food and drink and street art, and a sense of community are all integral.


    The concept has real appeal

    While the term ‘cultural hub’ isn’t particularly confidently known by

    cultural consumers, the concept has significant appeal.

    Among consumers, 42% say they are definitely not aware of the term and 46% say they think they are aware of it. Only 12% say they are definitely aware of it.

    However, cultural consumers, particularly in London, do plan visits to
    multiple venues in a single visiting window. While they might not use the term, the concept is recognised – and attractive.

    We asked: Which of the following cultural hubs are you aware of?
    Hubs can satisfy diverse interests

    Cultural hubs comprising organisations with distinct and differentiated offerings can offer variety to visitors.

    Meanwhile, thematic hubs such as Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle offer depth around a single subject and can also provide an opportunity to engage with smaller, less well-known venues in a grouping.

    Ultimately, hubs can deliver volume of content for the voracious cultural consumer as well as encourage piecemeal and spontaneous engagement with a particular site.

    Visitors want to 'culture stack'

    There is consensus around the ideal hub mix. Visitors expect at least one or two iconic, high-quality venues, which act as the main draw.

    They don’t accept one single site or venue with a diverse cultural
    offering as a hub, although some organisations try to brand themselves as such.

    Visitors want to ‘culturestack’ – to engage with a number of venues during a single visit.

    When visitors culture-stack, their engagement tends to be more around permanent collections than temporary, paid-for exhibitions – for reasons of expense as well as an unwillingness to commit to several detailed exhibitions over a short period.

    We asked: How appealing do you find a clustering of cultural venues and activities such as galleries, museums, performance venues and iconic architecture, etc?


    Cultural hubs: How to create a multidimensional experience by Art Insights

    What is a cultural hub?

    A clustering of cultural venues such as museums, galleries and performance spaces with secondary attractions including food and retail.

    Did you know cultural hubs are on the rise in the UK? As museums and galleries increasingly pool resources, content and marketing, cultural consumers are also demonstrating an appetite for experiences that are multidimensional and incorporate more than one venue.

    In recent years we have seen the launch of several interesting museum partnerships and marketing initiatives, such as the Cornwall Museums Partnership, Bath Museums Partnership, Coastal Culture Trail, London’s Museum Mile, Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle and Art in Yorkshire.

    What we haven’t known until now is the scope of UK audiences’ appetite for these kinds of groupings, or the scale of opportunity they present to attract and increase visitors – whether formally as ‘hubs’ or through a more informal setup.

    In 2015 we commissioned research to discover how organisations could best capitalise on cultural hubs in order to grow audiences.

    We hope the results provide actionable insights you can use when collaborating with your peers to create a hub.

    Aims and approaches

    Our aim:

    To grow your audiences through a shared vision Our research was designed to find out how, by teaming up and collaborating, you may be able to find creative, cost-effective ways to engage new visitors – and take your organisation from venue to multidimensional experience.

    Our approach

    The research project comprised three stages:

    1. Stakeholder research Quantitative survey among cultural marketers

    2. Visitor research In-depth qualitative research using focus groups comprised of
    different cultural consumers – Classically Cultured, Contemporary Cultured and
    Leisure Magpies – across four regions of the UK

    3. Testing Quantitative survey among cultural consumers to test significance of findings

    Cultural Consumers

    1 Classically Cultured Cultural consumers with a fairly traditional and classical repertoire

    2 Contemporary Cultured Cultural consumers with a voracious, diverse and
    progressive repertoire

    3 Leisure Magpies More mainstream cultural consumers with a varied leisure repertoire

    Insights and observations

    Current engagement is varied Our research found that, at this stage, even cultural marketers aren’t fully engaged with the term ‘cultural hub’.

    In 2015 just over a third of people working in museum or gallery marketing departments claimed to be aware of the term in isolation. But when the concept was described there was more recall, and over half of marketers thought there were currently more than 10 cultural hubs in the UK.


    Hubs can champion smaller venues

    How to create a multidimensional experience












    四是提升廣西面向RCEP成員國的國際傳播能力。通過創新傳播方式和內容,努力將中國故事、中國形象經南寧渠道傳播到RCEP國家,讓更多民眾了解全面、立體、生動的中國。(中國自由貿易區服務網/文章來源: 中國新聞網 2022-03-17))




    培養跨文化能力手冊 : 故事圈


























    With the subjugation of ligor by Sukhothai about 1280 the suzerainty over Pahang fell to the Thai in the 14th Century. In the same century Pahang suffered an invasion from Majapahit which thereafter claimed that State as one of its conquests. This raid may have had no lasting effect (20), thought it appeared that it resulted in inter-marriage between members of the ruling family of Majapahit and the princes of Pahang. The Thai over-lords of Ligor apparently did not interfere with the Ligor dynasty in Pahang but they, too, may have contracted marriage alliances with the Pahang royal family. The new empire had arisen in the nor contented itself with exciting tribute from Pahang and establishing settlements in the country.

    The Pre-Malaccan people of Pahang lived by mining gold, tin, and iron and planning rice. They left many traces; irrigation works, mine workings, remains of brick building, specimens of Sawankalok pottery, and probably the pottery industry at Kuala Tembeling which has survived through years to the present days. The pre-Malaccan occupied the Tembeling, Thet can be traced as far as south as the Merchong. They extended into the Pahang and the Jelai;their tracks can be found along lake Chini up to the Headwaters of the Rombin; in the old Selinsing mines scoops of Palas wood used by them have been discovered. They left numerous relics in gold-working at Tresang and Sempore. They make their way to bebar, They established settlements at Jeram Kuai (Koi) and Jong Berlabon on the Tembeling, at Lubok Pelang, Lubok Paku, at Chini, at Langgar, at Pengkalan Durian in Ulu Bebar, at pura, and else where. Their occupation is commemorated by the nomenclature of places such as Chini, Parit Siam, Tambak Siam, Lubang Siam (or Lumbong Siam),, Parit Siam, Sungai Lego (Ligor) a tributary of the Tekam in the vicinity of Kota gelanggi. (21)

    (Chapter 2, The Pre-Malaccan People, in A History of Pahang, W. Linehan, Silverfish Malaysia Classic Series 18, 2020, Pakka English Enterprise, pg. 15-22, Previously published as Volume XIV Part II, Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in May 1936 )


    Candrabhanu a king of Ligor who, according to the Jaiya inscription (which has now been discovered to have come from Ligor and not from Jaiya or Chaiya). styled himself Seri Dharma- raja and Lord of Tambralinga, the Ceylonese "Mahavamsa" tells us, led two hostile expeditions against Ceylon about the middle of the 13th century with Javaka (Malay) forces. (14)

    By 1292, Ligor had become the extreme southern limit of the Thai kingdom of Sukhodaya (Sukhothai). Now Logor has been widely accepted as being the Tan-ma-ling of Chan Ju-Kua 15 and the Tambralinga of the Jaiya inscription. There are two localities in Pahang which are suggestive of the name given by the Chinese chronicler: the river Tembeling which, the discovery of numerous Neolithic and early iron-age implements there indicates, was at one time a thickly populated district, and Tanjung Tembeling the northern headland of Kuantan river. Was there a connection between these places and Logor?

    The history of the Ming Dynasty states that the Pahang ruler who sent envoys to China in 1378 was called Maharaja, the same style as that  affected by the King of Logor. When the Malacca forces conquered Pahang about 1454, according to the Malay Annals, (16) they found there a “Siamese” prince with the title Maharaja Dewa Sura, king oi Logor (who bore the same title as that of the prince who ruled in Pahang about 1454), on the instruction of the king of Siam invaded Pahang.,following the route Tembeling.

    It is not unlikely that this invasion state was in reassertion of a pre-Thai Suzerainty , that is to Ligor, the Tan-ma-ling of the Chinese and the Tambralinga of the Jaiya inscription, that we must look at least during one period, for the origin of the pre-Malaccan rulers of Pahang., and that it was the men of Ligor who give the name of their country Tan-Ma-ling to the river Tembeling, (18),a highway of communication between Pahang and the north, and to Tanjung Tembeling at Kuantan, the only safe anchorage for their fleet on the coast during the season of the north-east monsoon (19), and the port of access to the rich tin mines of Sungai Lembing. To Ligor, a state powerful enough to invade Ceylon twice during 13th cebtury , the conquest of Pahang must present no great difficulty.


    At that time the ruler of Pam governed Syncapura : and the monarch who resided in Pathane, the metropolis of the Malayos, was tributary to the empire of Syam, for right clown to the present day the Malayos regard the latter as their master: while the head of the principal empire and administration was the Emperor of Attay .... "

    He adds : ·' Permicuri,2 by birth a Jao of Palimban in Samatta or the Golden Chersonese allied himself in marriage with the lords and monarchs of Patane and Pam who belonged to the family of the Malaios .... " 3

    [Pg 18]

    This first Malaccan potentate chose Malacca as his headquarters about the end of the 14th century. cl'Eredia relates that:

    " Permicuri selected this spot in the interests of his own safety, for he stood in fear of the ruler of Pam, over-lord of the countries of Ujontana, who was making warlike preparations to capture him, in consequence of the treachery which Permicuri had perpetrated in Sincapura, when he assassinated the ' Xabandar ' who was telated to the lord of Pam, despite the kindness which the ' Xabandar' had shown at his house in Syncapura, when Permicuri took refuge there in his flight from his father-in-law the Emperor of Java Major .... " 4

    In the same chapter d'Ereclia calls Permicuri the " flrst king of the Malayos." According to d'Albuquerque's "Commen- taries," it was the ruler of Palani of whom Permicuri stood in fear, and the murdered chief's name was Tamagi.

    d'Eredia (12) states that the religion of Islam was in introduced into Patani and Pahang before it was accepted by "Permicuri at Malacca in the year 1411." That statement is certainly true of Trengganu (which at that time appears to have formed a province of Patani), and is probably true of Pahang, though we have no other evidence to show that Islam was practised in the country before 1454.

    Mahayana Buddhism, on which were superimposed Tantric orgies involving human sacrifice, had reached the Malay Peninsula about the 8th century. Its influence in Pahang, I though it waned with the introduction of Islam as the State religion about 1454, may be traced up to the beginning of the 17th century.

    In the 12th century the kingdom of San Fo-ts'i began to decline, and by the 14th century, in the south, the east-Java state of Majapahit had become predominant, while, in the north, by 1292, the Siamese (Thai) kingdom, with its capital at Sukhodaya, had emerged.

    8. d'Eredia's "Description of Malacca," translation by J.V. Mills, loc. cit., p. 3
    9. An incorrect rendering of Parameswara.
    10. aop. cit., p. 57.
    11. op. cit., p. 16.
    12. op. cit., p. 49.
    13. JRAS (Journal Malayan Branch [Vol. XIV, Part II, History of Pahang. 9 ~

    A vassal of San Fo-ts'i, according to Chau Ju-Kua, was Tan-ma-ling. Gerini (13) identified this country with Kuantan, a district of Pahang, on the ground that the north promontory of the Kuantan river was called Tanjong Tembiting, '' Cape Ternbeling.''


    The Hsing-ch'a Sheng-lan, written in 1486 by Fei Hsin, a Chinese Moslem and an Arabic scholar, gives the following interesting account of Pahang and its people :

    " This country is situated at the west of Siam ; it is surrounded by rocky ridges of mountains, which, seen from a distance, have the appearance of a table-land. The ground is fertile, and they have abundance of rice. The weather is often very warm.

    "Their customs cannot be much praised; they make human images of fragrant wood, and kill people in order to make a sacrifice of the blood, when they pray for luck or try to ward off evil.

    " Men and women have their hair in a knot, and are clad with a single piece of cloth. Girls of rich families wear four or five golden circles on their foreheads, and the daughters of the common people use strings of coloured glass beads instead.

    " They boil salt out of sea-water, and make wine by fermenting rice-gruel. " Products of the country are lignum-aloes, camphor, tin and a kind of wood used in dyeing. Articles of import are gold, silver, coloured silks, Java-cloth, copper and iron- ware, gongs, boards, etc."

    [pg. 18] According to d' Eredia, Pahang was the second Malay kingdom in the Peninsula, in succession to Patani, and flourished before the founding of Malacca ; the ruler of Pahang in the latter part of the fourteenth century, a relative (by marriage) of Parameswara, first ruler of Malacca, was Lord of Ujong Tanah (the southerly part of the peninsula including Singapore).

    d'Eredia 2 records that .: " Pan was the second seat of the Empire of the Malaios ; its site lies on the eastern coast of the Peninsula in three degrees of North latitude; the port is just as much frequented by merchants, because of the gold from its auriferous mines : it contains the best and largest gold-mines in the whole Peninsula : it was from here, one presumes, that there came the gold which formed the subject of the ancient trade with Alexandria .... "

    The same chronicler writes : (8) " It is to be noted that the eastern coast of Ujontana was peopled and frequented before the other 01:  western coast : thus the histories relate that Malayos, was inhabited Pattane and Pam before the foundation of Malacca. "


    Tajau of the Chinese chronicler may be Tanjong, and the reference may be to the northern head-land of the estuary of the river Pahang which was known to sea-farers as TanJong Pahang, " Cape Pahang."

    Pa-la-mi-so-la-ta-lo-si-ni was almost certainIy the Chinese rendering of Parameswara Telok1 Chini, " the prince of Chini Haven." Chini, which, in Siamese, means gibbon, gives its name to a mountain, a lake, a stream and a village situated about forty miles from the mouth of the river Pahang. There pre-Malaccan remains have been found. (3) In the same locality is Luit, with a village Singgora called after the capital of Patani, where, too, there are traces of pre-Malaccan habitation.3 Except on the banks of the river, Chini is still jungle-clad, and little investigation has yet been done. For the Malays, Lake Chini has associations with the past : in their eyes the lake and its adjoining mountain are sacred, and they credit the place with the possession of a white crocodile styled Seri Pahang: "the glory of Pahang." It is possible that the lake did not always exist in its present form and that it covers the site of an ancient town. Only when the jungle gives up its secrets will the truth be known.

    [pg 17]  Assuming the correctness of these identifications, we then have, in 1378 A.D., a king at Tanjong Pahang known by the designation of Maharaja, and, in 14ll A.D., at Chini, a ruler with the style of Parameswara4, a title also used by the founder of Malacca. Did these two kingships exist contemporaneously or do both titles refer to the same undivided line of rulers with merely a change o[ residence, or is it to be supposed that between 1378 and 14ll the king at Tanjong Pahang was displaced by the Chini potentate? These are questions which cannot, at present, be answered.

    We are told by d'Eredia that the kings of Pahang ruled only the coastal region. We know that the ruler of Pahang, at the date of its conquest by the Malacca Malays about 1454, bore the title of Maharaja. There is reason to believe that, at least as far as the people were concerned, apart from their rulers, the region of Kampong Melayu near Chini was at one time the boundary between the Malays and another race.1

    2 Menangkabau: telok, a bay, or a bend in the river, commonly used in the expression telok rantau
    "the bends and the reaches " of a river.

    3 J. M. B. R. A. S., Vol. VI, Pt. IV, 1928, p. 79.

    4 Journal, F.M.S. Museums, Vol. IX, Pt. 2, 1920, p. 152.

    5 Dr. P. V. van Stein Callenfels points out that the term Parameswara seems to have been, in mediaeval times, in Majapahit and Bali the special title of the non-royal husband of a ruling princess, and that the word where it occurs in old inscriptions, designates the consort of a queen.

    7 J. M. B. R. A. S., Vol. VI, Pt. IV, 1928, p. 81. 1 " Report on the Golden Chersonese," translation by J. V. Mills (J. M. B. R. A. S., Vol. VIII, P t. I, p. 233). 


     A History of Pahang


    In the seventh century A.D. a kingdom called by Chinese chroniclers San Fo-ts'i which has been identified by Dr. Coedes with the Malay Seri-Vijaya with a capital, at one period, situated in Palembang, became predominant in the Malay Archipelago and the Peninsula. This empire has been thought to be the contem- porary Zabug or Zabag of Arab geographers. In 1225 A.D. the Chinese writer Chau Ju-Kua, apparently describing conditions in the preceding century, records that Pong-fong (Pahang) was one of the dependencies of San Fo-ts'i. Another vassal state of San Fo-ts'i was Tan-ma-ling, to which place we shall return presently. The Tao i chik lio written by Wang Ta-Yuan in 1349 makes mention of P'eng K'eng (Pahang) and Pa-tu-ma (?Pulau Tioman) among other regions.

    According to the Nagarakrtagama, composed in 1365, Pahang, Ujong Medini (Johore), Muar, Langkasuka, Kelantan, Trengganu, Paka and Dungun, Tumasik (Singapore), Sang Yang Ujong (Sungai Ujong), Kelang and Kedah were tributary states of Majapahit. To this list of the Javanese empire's dependencies the " Chronicles of Pasai " add various islands off the east coast of the Peninsula including Pulau Tioman, Pulau Tinggi, Pulau Pemanggil and Pulau Laut.

    The History of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1643)1 presents a picture of Pahang in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: " Pahang is situated at the west of Siam. In the year 1378 the king, Maharaja Tajau, sent envoys with a letter on a gold leaf, and bringing as tribute six foreign slaves, and products of the country. They were received according to the established rules. "

    [Pg.16] In the year 1411 the king, Pa-la-mi-so-la-ta-lo-si-ni sent envoys carrying tribute. In 1412 Cheng Ho went as an envoy to their country, and in the year 1414 they sent tribute a gain.

    "In the year 14.16 they sent tribute together with Kalikut and Java, and Cheng Ho was again ordered to go there.

    " The soil of this country is fertile; the climate is always warm, and rice is abundant there; they make salt by boiling sea water, and wine by fermenting the sap of the coconut tree.

    " The higher and lower classes are on a very intimate footing, and there are no thieves ; they are very superstitious regarding demons and spirits, making their images of fra- grant wood, and sacrificing men. to them, m order to avert calamities or to pray for happiness. "

    Amongst the articles which they brought as tribute were elephant-teeth, camphor baros, olibanum, lignum aloes, sandal wood, pepper, sapan-wood, and such more .... "

    (1)Book 325, quoted in " Notes on the Malay Archipelago " by W. P. Groeneveldt: Miscellaneous Papers relating to Indo-China, 2nd Series, Vol. I, London, 1887, p. 256. 1936) Royal Asiatic Society.












    (李耕 馮莎 張暉:中國藝術人類學前沿話題三人談:藝術參與鄉村建設的人類學前沿觀察; 原文載於《民族藝術》2018年第3期,請以紙質版為准。)












    作者簡介: 李安樂,1980年生,甘肅靜寧人,中學美術教師。中國藝術人類學學會會員、中華美學學會會員。曾獲中央美術學院青年藝術批評獎,有文章發表在《社會學家茶座》、《中國社會科學論叢》及《美術報》等。



    鄉土社會與地域文化:由於特殊的地緣構築了作家心靈中的鄉土世界。鄉土做為在現代化進程中行將逝去的文化遺產,業已成為大多數作家回憶中的資源。對於鄉土的特性,費孝通在其早年的名著《鄉土中國》中這樣寫道:「歷世不移的結果,人不但在熟人中長大,而且還在熟悉的地方上長大,熟悉的地方可以包括極長時間的人和土的混合。祖先們在這地方混熟了,他們的經驗也必然就是子孫們所會得到的經驗。……他們個別的經驗,就等於世代的經驗。經驗無需不斷累積,只需老是保存。」 鄉土世界中的這種親密的、信任的依靠了地緣與血緣的社會結構是現代城市社會中所不具有的,這也是作家們所不斷表現的,因為他們是從鄉土移植到城市中的過去時態的農民,有著很深的鄉土情結。






    在美國學者約翰·吉利斯(John Gillis)的論述中將鄉土記憶與公共記憶對立起來,並指涉其作為被官方歷史的記憶所界定的民間基層記憶的特征:被認可和被製造。這些散發著土味的鄉野之物徑由記憶的被認可與製造,逐漸地廓清了更具豐富含義的山莊圖景,這也是作者所表述的重點。對於山莊,作者有其獨到的見識:「山莊並不是某一個具體的村莊,其地理位置也不一定非在山上。當然,山莊也不可能是聞名於世的避暑山莊,其來歷和功用與避暑山莊更是迥異其趣。山莊在更大程度上是相對於老莊而言的。」正是在這一意義上,山莊拉遠了與老莊的距離,不再簡單到只是一座山裡的村莊,而是投射到歷代的記憶中,描畫出族人拓展繁衍的社會景觀。(下續)