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  • Dokusō-tekina aidea

    APP Iconada: Unification of Framework - Poetics & Translation at Higher  Level

    Peter Newmark’s framework of translation functions draws inspiration from Roman Jakobson’s model of the six functions of language, though Newmark adapts and refines these functions specifically for translation studies. Here’s how Newmark’s and Jakobson’s frameworks correspond:

    1. Referential Function (Jakobson) / Referential Function (Newmark)

    Jakobson’s Referential Function refers to language that conveys factual information or describes the external world (context). It is concerned with the subject matter or referent.

    Newmark’s Referential Function directly aligns with this, as it applies to texts that aim to provide information, such as technical manuals, scientific papers, and reports. Translation focuses on accuracy and clarity of the conveyed information.

    2. Expressive Function (Jakobson) / Expressive Function (Newmark)

    Jakobson’s Expressive Function involves language used to express the speaker’s emotions, feelings, and attitudes. It highlights the speaker's subjectivity.

    Newmark’s Expressive Function parallels this, focusing on texts where the author’s personal expression and creativity are central, such as in literature, poetry, and personal writings. Translators aim to maintain the tone, style, and subjective feelings of the original author.

    3. Conative Function (Jakobson) / Vocative Function (Newmark)

    Jakobson’s Conative Function refers to language that aims to influence or direct the behavior of the receiver. It’s often found in commands, requests, and persuasive language.

    Newmark’s Vocative Function corresponds directly to this. He uses the term "Vocative" to emphasize that the text "calls upon" the reader or listener to respond or act. This applies to advertisements, instructions, and persuasive discourse. The goal of translation here is to retain the original intent to influence the reader’s actions.

    4. Phatic Function (Jakobson) / Phatic Function (Newmark)

    Jakobson’s Phatic Function is used to establish, maintain, or terminate communication channels, ensuring that communication continues smoothly (e.g., greetings, small talk).

    Newmark’s Phatic Function mirrors this, emphasizing language that builds or maintains social relations. In translation, cultural context is essential to ensure social cues and conventions are respected.

    5. Metalingual Function (Jakobson) / Metalingual Function (Newmark)

    Jakobson’s Metalingual Function involves language used to explain or discuss language itself, such as definitions or clarifications.

    Newmark’s Metalingual Function is similarly concerned with texts that discuss language, such as grammar books or dictionaries. Translators must ensure that linguistic clarity and accuracy are maintained in the target language.

    6. Poetic Function (Jakobson) / Aesthetic Function (Newmark)

    Jakobson’s Poetic Function focuses on the aesthetic and form-related aspects of language, where the message is constructed with attention to beauty, rhythm, sound, and stylistic choices.

    Newmark’s Aesthetic (or Poetic) Function echoes this, particularly in literary and artistic texts where the form is just as important as the content. The challenge in translation is balancing fidelity to the original meaning with the aesthetic qualities of the text, such as rhythm, meter, and wordplay.

  • Dokusō-tekina aidea















  • Dokusō-tekina aidea

    愛墾APP: 维雅克对“詩性”的共识

    维柯(Giambattista Vico)、雅各布森(Roman Jakobson)和克里斯蒂瓦(Julia Kristeva)三人虽然分别从不同的理论背景和时代出发讨论了“诗性”(the poetic),但他们的思想中确实存在一些相同点,尤其是在语言、想象力、情感以及创造性等方面的理解上:


    维柯:在《新科学》中,维柯强调诗性智慧(poetic wisdom)是人类原初思维的方式,是一种通过想象和隐喻来理解世界的能力。他认为最早的人类用诗性智慧来解释自然现象,通过神话、隐喻和象征创造出文化、宗教和历史。诗性在维柯的理论中被视为人类心灵对世界进行“诗化”的一种认知方式,是创造文化和文明的根基。






